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Week 4: Dungeon Design

Writer: Sean MurraySean Murray

It's now week 4 and I haven't really discussed the dungeons design yet. The reason for this is that I haven't decided how I want to implement my dungeon into Unity. In the version of Unity that I am using (Unity 5.6.1f1), unity has no tilemap features built in, instead I have to turn to external applications, build a tilemap system myself, update to Unity 2017 but be unable to work on university computers, or build the dungeon by hand.

To start with, I'm definitely do not want to be doing the last option. Its too much to do and I will need to shrink the sizes of rooms and the complexity of them. This is because I will have to place the majority of the sprites by hand, and even though I could speed it up through prefabs and making my own tools. The time spent making them will still mean I have to reduce the size of the dungeon, and the scope of the project as a whole.

Next I looked at possible external applications. One that I found was Tiled. After trying it I could put together rooms, with details, quite quickly. However it does not have the ability to export straight to Unity. However, there is a plugin for it called TiledToUnity. It does exactly what it says, transfers files from Tiled and puts it into a Unity project. While this allows me to create a map fast, if I want to make slight changes I have to import the whole map again.

A final option I have is to update to Unity 2017. This isn't ideal as I wont be able to develop my project on the university's computers. While I can work at home, or on my laptop, sometimes I find it difficult to work instead of play games.



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